Our new book Having a Mary Spirit - Allowing God to Change us, from the inside out by Joanne Weaver
You long to serve God with grace and strength, to reflect Christ in every word and action. Yet you find yourself continually struggling to bring that vision to life in your daily walk.
At our very core, every one of us is a "twisted sister" within whom the flesh and spirit battle constantly for control. We are affliced with spritual disconnect between our good-girl desire to put Jesus first and our bad-girl realities that crowd out our thoughts and push him out of the way.
In this life-changing book, Joanne Weaver, directs your gaze past your own shortcomings to the God who stands ready, willing, and able to make a new woman out of you. She equips you with biblical insights and practical tools to partner with Christ, inviting him into the hidden places of your soul and giving him full permissinn to redeem and renovate.
A group of 14 – 18 regularly attend.
Meets every Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Januaryr to June